Improvements to the S3 connector

After the latest changes to the S3 connector, we've adjusted the UI pop up menu in the S3 data sources to better reflect how the Sync now button works.

  • @on-demand: You can sync your Datasource on demand whenever you want. Now, when you hover over the Sync now button, you will see the latest sync date.
  • @auto: You don't need to manually sync the data source, as changes are automatically detected. The button now shows the status of the sync and the latest sync date, and leads you to the Logs tab.

Upcoming: Query timeout responses moving to status code 429

Starting March 28th, query timeout responses will return a 429 Too Many Requests status code instead of the current 408 Request Timeout. This change better reflects that you've hit your current plan limitation, in this case, the maximum query execution time, rather than a general request timeout.

Before March 28th, check if your application handles 408 status codes for query timeouts. This change will affect all API endpoints that execute queries. If your application already handles both status codes or use status code ranges (4XX), no action is needed. The response body and timeout behavior will remain the same.

Vercel Log Drains template

We've added a new template to connect and explore your Vercel logs with Tinybird.

You can fork it, deploy it to your Vercel account in minutes and make it your own.

Improvements and bug fixes

Following our BigQuery deprecation plans, it's no longer possible to create new BigQuery data sources. Syncs will stop on March 31st.

  • Improved the management of pending queries in pipes and playgrounds. If you had queries pending to run in a pipe, those queries were still triggered even if you switched to another pipe. Now, they're properly aborted.
  • We removed key and secret authentication for the S3 Connector from the CLI.
  • We fixed the issue where the Data Flow lineage in the data source details sometimes got all its nodes stacked on top of each other. Now the nodes are correctly positioned.