Query editor for quarantined rows

You can now edit any query made on quarantined rows, which grants you more power for searching errors with new ingested rows. The following example shows how to use a WHERE clause to filter the rows.

Sample URI for S3 Connector previews

You can now enter a sample file URI in the S3 Connector dialog, which is validated for Preview. This can help you generate the schema when limits prevent the connector from retrieving files. See Sample URI for S3 Connector previews for more information.

S3 Connector with sample URI

Credit usage in Dedicated plans

Customers in the new Dedicated infrastructure plans can now see their monthly credit consumption, broken down by resource: Cluster usage, Storage, Egress, and Support.

Credit usage

Improvements and bug fixes

  • Added controls for closing and full-screening a split view of the quarantine table of a Data Source.
  • Added JWT support for charts when using style presets.
  • Enhanced JWT error handling to provide clearer and more descriptive error messages.
  • Fixed a bug that caused errors when the "audience" field was included in JWT tokens.