Add a self-managed region manually

To add a self-managed region manually, you need to:

  1. Create a region in Tinybird Cloud.
  2. Deploy the Tinybird Local container on your cloud provider.

Self-managed regions are currently in beta. Use them for development environments only; avoid production workloads. Features, requirements, and implementation details might change as we continue to improve this capability.

Resource requirements

When planning your self-managed region deployment, consider the following resource requirements:

  • Compute: At least 4 vCPUs and 16 GB RAM for development environments. Production environments may require more resources depending on your workload.
  • Storage: Allocate at least 100 GB for the ClickHouse volume and 10 GB for the Redis volume. Scale according to your data volume needs.
    • Required paths in the container are /redis-data and /var/lib/clickhouse
  • Network: Ensure your deployment has sufficient bandwidth for your expected query and ingestion rates.
    • You also need a publicly accessible HTTPS URL. For example,
  • Init parameters: Provide the following parameters to the deployed container. These parameters can be provided in the tb infra add command or automatically generated by tb infra init:

Create a region manually

To add a new self-managed region to Tinybird Cloud manually, follow these steps:


Log into Tinybird Cloud

Log into Tinybird Cloud using the tb login command.

tb login

Add the new region

Before you deploy the tblocal container on your cloud provider, add a self-managed region using tb infra add:

tb infra add

Running against Tinybird Cloud: Workspace example_workspace
Enter name: example
Enter host:
» Adding infrastructure 'example' in Tinybird...
✓ Infrastructure 'example' added
» Required environment variables:

The host is optional, as you might not known it yet. You can update it later using tb infra update. Copy the environment variables and their values to use in the next step.

To list, add, update, or remove infrastructure regions, you can also go to Settings, Managed regions in the Tinybird Cloud.


Deploy Tinybird Local

Deploy the Tinybird Local container on your cloud provider. At the end of the deployment, the tblocal container must be publicly accessible on an HTTP URL, which is the host of the self-managed region.

Make sure to expose and set the following environment variables to the tblocal container using the values provided in the previous step:


Log into your instance

Navigate to your Tinybird project and run tb login --host <host>, where <host> is the host of your self-managed region that you set up in the previous step.

tb login --host https://<host>

Use your instance

After you're logged in, you can run commands against it using the --cloud flag.

tb --cloud workspace ls 


The following examples show how to add a self-managed region manually in different cloud providers.


If you encounter issues with your self-managed region:

  • Check the container logs for error messages.
  • Verify that all required environment variables are set correctly.
  • Ensure your network configuration allows the necessary connections.
  • Confirm that your persistent volumes are properly mounted and have sufficient space.
  • For connectivity issues, verify that your HTTPS endpoint is properly configured.

For additional help, contact Tinybird support with details about your deployment.
