
A pipe is a collection of one or more SQL queries. Each query is called a node.

Use Pipes to build features over your data. For example, you can write SQL that joins, aggregates, or otherwise transforms your data and publish the result as an endpoint.


A node is a container for a single SQL SELECT statement. Nodes live within pipes, and you can have many sequential nodes inside the same pipe. They allow you to break your query logic down into multiple smaller queries. You can then chain nodes together to build the logic incrementally.

A query in a node can read data from a data source, other nodes inside the same pipe, or from endpoint nodes in other pipes. Each node can be developed and tested individually. This makes it much easier to build complex query logic in Tinybird as you avoid creating large monolithic queries with many subqueries.

Create generic pipes

Pipes are defined in a .pipe file without a specific TYPE. See Pipe files.

List your pipes

To list your pipes, run the following command:

tb pipe ls

Next steps
