Test and deploy your project

After you've created your project, you can iterate on it, test it locally, and deploy it to Tinybird Cloud.

Tinybird Forward makes it easy to iterate, test, and deploy your data project like any other software project.

Development lifecycle

The following steps describe the typical development lifecycle.


Develop locally

Create the project using the Tinybird CLI. See tb create.

Start a dev session to build your project and watch for changes as you edit the datafiles. See tb dev. For example, you might need to optimize an endpoint, add a new endpoint, or change the data type of a column.

If you make schema changes that are incompatible with the previous version, you must use a forward query in your .datasource file. Otherwise, your deployment will fail due to a schema mismatch. See Evolve data sources.


Validate and test

With a set of datafiles, you need to test your project to ensure it behaves as expected.

There are several ways to validate and test your changes. See Test your project.


Stage your changes

After you've built and tested your project, you can create a staging deployment locally or in Tinybird Cloud. See Deployments.

You can run commands against the staging deployment using the --staging flag.


Promote your changes

After successfully creating your staging deployment, promote it to live to make the changes available to your users. See tb deployment promote.

Tinybird only supports one live and one staging deployment per workspace.

Next steps