Materialized views

A materialized view is the continuous, streaming result of a pipe saved as a new data source. As new data is ingested into the origin data source, the transformed results from the pipe are continually inserted in the new materialized view, which you can query as any other data source.

Preprocessing data at ingest time reduces latency and cost-per-query, and can significantly improve the performance of your endpoints. For example, you can transform the data through SQL queries, using calculations such as counts, sums, averages, or arrays, or transformations like string manipulations or joins. The resulting materialized view acts as a data source you can query or publish.

Typical use cases of Materialized views include:

  • Aggregating, sorting, or filtering data at ingest time.
  • Improving the speed of a query that's taking too much time to run.
  • Simplifying query development by automating common filters and aggregations.
  • Reducing the amount of data processed by a single query.
  • Changing an existing schema for a different use case.

You can create a new materialized view and populate it with all existing data without any cost.

Create materialized views

Materialized views are defined in a .pipe file using the TYPE MATERIALIZED directive. See Materialized pipes.

Consider an origin data source, for example my_origin.datasource, like the following:

Origin data source

    `id` Int16,
    `local_date` Date,
    `name` String,
    `count` Int64

You might want to create an optimized version of the data source that preaggregates count for each ID. To do this, create a new data source that uses a SimpleAggregateFunction as a materialized view.

First, define the destination data source, for example my_destination.datasource:

Destination data source
    `id` Int16,
    `local_date` Date,
    `name` String,
    `total_count` SimpleAggregateFunction(sum, UInt64)

ENGINE "AggregatingMergeTree"
ENGINE_SORTING_KEY "local_date,id"

Write a materialized pipe, for example my_transformation.pipe:

Transformation Pipe
NODE transformation_node

        sum(count) as total_count

TYPE materialized
DATASOURCE my_destination

Once you have the origin and destination data sources defined and the materialized pipe, deploy the project to apply the changes. Materialized views are populated automatically in the target environment.

Populate materialized views on demand

You can populate a materialized view on demand using the tb materialization populate command. For example:

Populate the materialized view
tb materialization populate my_transformation.pipe

You can also truncate the materialized view before populating it. For example:

Truncate the materialized view
tb materialization populate my_transformation.pipe --truncate

See tb materialization populate for more details.

Next steps
