tb token

Manage your workspace tokens. See Authentication.

copy OPTIONS TOKEN_IDCopies a token.
ls OPTIONSLists tokens. Use --match TEXT to retrieve any token matching the pattern. For example, --match _test.
refresh OPTIONS TOKEN_IDRefreshes a token. Adding --yes removes the need for confirmation.
rm OPTIONS TOKEN_IDRemoves a token. Adding --yes removes the need for confirmation.
scopes OPTIONS TOKEN_IDLists token scopes.
create static OPTIONS TOKEN_NAMECreates a static token that lasts forever. If a token with the same name already exists, it updates it.
create jwt OPTIONS TOKEN_NAMECreates a JWT token with a fixed expiration time.

tb token create static

Creates a static token. Note that resource-scoped tokens are automatically generated.

For example:

tb token create static my_static_token --scope ORG_DATASOURCES:READ

The following options are available:

--scopeScope for the token, for example DATASOURCES:READ. Required.
--resourceResource you want to associate the scope with.
--filterSQL condition used to filter the values when calling with this token. For example, --filter=value > 0.

tb token create jwt

Creates a JWT token.

For example:

tb token create jwt my_jwt --ttl 1h --scope PIPES:READ --resource my_pipe --filters "column_name=value"

The following options are available:

--ttlTime to live. For example, 1h, 30min, 1d. Required.
--scopeScope for the token. Only PIPES:READ is allowed for JWT tokens. Required.
--resourceResource you want to associate the scope with. Required
--fixed-paramsFixed parameters in key=value format. You can separate multiple values using commas.