Tinybird Local container

You can run your own Tinybird instance locally using the tinybird-local container.

The Tinybird Local container is useful in CI/CD pipelines. See CI/CD for more information. You can also deploy it on your own cloud infrastructure.


To get started, you need a container runtime, like Docker or orbstack.

Run the Tinybird Local container

To run Tinybird locally, run the following command:

docker run --platform linux/amd64 -p 7181:7181 --name tinybird-local -d tinybirdco/tinybird-local:latest

By default, Tinybird Local runs on port 7181, although you can expose it locally using any other port.

Deploy on a cloud provider

You can deploy Tinybird Local on a cloud provider of your choice. See Self-managed Tinybird Cloud.

You can also create a self-managed region by deploying the container on the following Platform as a Service (PaaS) providers:

  • Fly.io
  • Zeet
  • Google Cloud Run
  • CloudFoundry
  • Azure Container Instances
  • DigitalOcean App Platform

When deploying Tinybird Local on a PaaS, make sure to expose the following environment variables to the container:


See tb infra for more information.

API endpoints

By default, the Tinybird Local container exposes the following API endpoint:

  • http://localhost:7181/api/v0/

You can call all the existing Tinybird API endpoints locally. For example:

curl \
      -X POST 'http://localhost:7181/v0/events?name=<your_datasource>' \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_token>" \
      -d $'<your_data>'