tb infra

Helps you deploy Tinybird on a cloud service provider of your choice and manage custom regions. See Self-managed Tinybird Cloud.

To list, add, update, or remove infrastructure regions, you can also go to Settings, Managed regions in the Tinybird Cloud UI.


The following subcommands are available:

initInitializes the infrastructure and deploys Tinybird Local in a custom region. By default, the command is interactive and prompts you for the necessary information.
addAdds a new self-managed infrastructure region using an existing infrastructure URL.
updateUpdates the URL of an existing self-managed infrastructure region.
rm NAMERemoves an existing infrastructure region.
lsLists available infrastructure regions.

tb infra init

Initializes the selected cloud infrastructure provider to host Tinybird Local.

Running the tb infra init command requires the following components:

The following tools are required to deploy Tinybird Local on AWS:

Before initiating deployment, you need to set up the following in AWS:

  • A zone and domain name in Route53 zone. Write down the hosted zone name and the zone ID for your domain.
  • An EKS cluster with AWS Load Balancer Controller installed and external-dns configured. Configure both components with sufficient permissions to manage resources. Set the default storage class in the EKS cluster to gp3-encrypted with high IOPS and throughput.

The command requires the following information:

When prompted, enter the following information from the first step:

  • AWS region. For example, us-east-1.
  • DNS zone name and record name.
  • Kubernetes namespace. For example, default.
  • EKS storage class. For example, gp3-encrypted.

Review the changes before applying them. If you want to generate the files without applying them, use the --skip-apply flag.

After the deployment is complete, tb infra shows the URL to access your Tinybird Local instance. See tb infra for more information and settings.

The following options are available:

--name TEXTName for identifying the self-managed infrastructure region in Tinybird.
--cloud-provider TEXTInfrastructure provider. Possible values are: aws, gcp, azure.
--cloud-region TEXTAWS region, when using aws as the provider.
--dns-zone-name TEXTDNS zone name.
--kubernetes-namespace TEXTKubernetes namespace for the deployment.
--dns-record TEXTDNS record name to create, without domain. For example, tinybird.
--kubernetes-storage-class TEXTStorage class for the Kubernetes StatefulSet.
--skip-applyCreate all the configuration files without applying them.
--auto-applyApply all the configuration automatically, without prompting for confirmation.

The command always generates the following files inside the infra/<provider> directory, where <provider> is the infrastructure provider:

  • config.json: Contains the configuration for the provider.
  • k8s.yaml: Contains the Kubernetes configuration.
  • main.tf: Contains the Terraform configuration.

tb infra add

Adds a new self-managed infrastructure region using an existing infrastructure URL. The command prompts you for the necessary information.

For example:

tb infra add

Running against Tinybird Cloud: Workspace example_workspace
Enter name: example
Enter host: https://tinybird.example.com
» Adding infrastructure 'example' in Tinybird...
✓ Infrastructure 'example' added
» Required environment variables:

The following options are available:

--name TEXTName for identifying the self-managed infrastructure in Tinybird.
--host TEXTHost for the infrastructure.

tb infra update

Updates an existing infrastructure region.

For example:

tb infra update example --host https://tinybird-2.example.com

Running against Tinybird Cloud: Workspace example_workspace
» Updating infrastructure 'test' in Tinybird...

The following options are available:

--name TEXTName for identifying the self-managed infrastructure in Tinybird.
--host TEXTHost for the infrastructure.

tb infra rm

Removes an existing infrastructure region.

For example:

tb infra rm example

Running against Tinybird Cloud: Workspace example_workspace
» Deleting infrastructure 'example' from Tinybird...
✓ Infrastructure 'example' deleted

tb infra ls

Lists all the infrastructure regions.

For example:

tb infra ls

Running against Tinybird Cloud: Workspace example_workspace
** Infras:
| name         | host                                                    |
| example      | https://tinybird.example.com                            |
| example2     | https://tinybird2.example.com                           |