tb deployment

Deploys your project to the Tinybird platform. Run using --cloud to deploy to Tinybird Cloud.

Global options apply to this command. See Global options.

The following subcommands are available:

create [OPTIONS]Validates and deploy the project in Tinybird.
lsLists all the deployments of your project.
promotePromotes last deploy to ready and remove old one. Accepts the --wait / --no-wait option.
rollbackRollbacks to the previous deployment. Accepts the --wait / --no-wait option.

tb deployment create

Validates and deploys the project in Tinybird. Run using --cloud to deploy to Tinybird Cloud. When deploying to Tinybird Cloud, the command shows the URL of the deployment.

--wait / --no-waitWaits for the deployment to finish. Defaults to not waiting.
--auto / --no-autoAutomatically promotes the deployment. Only works if --wait is used.
--check / --no-checkValidates the deployment before creating it. Disabled by default.
--allow-destructive-operations / --no-allow-destructive-operationsAllows destructive operations, like removing data sources, dropping historical data from tables, and so on. Disabled by default.

Removing data sources is an irreversible operation. Be careful when using the --allow-destructive-operations flag.
