tb endpoint

Manage endpoints. Global options apply to this command. See Global options.

The following subcommands are available:

data PIPEPrints data returned by the endpoint.
ls [OPTIONS]Lists all the endpoints.
stats [OPTIONS] PIPEPrints stats of the last 7 days for an endpoint.
token PIPERetrieves a token to call an endpoint.
url PIPEPrints the URL of an endpoint.

tb endpoint data

Prints data returned by the endpoint.

--query TEXTRuns a query over endpoint results.
--format [json|csv]Returns the results in the specified format.

tb endpoint ls

Lists all the endpoints.

--match TEXTRetrieves any resource matching the pattern. For example, --match _test.
--format [json]Returns the results in the specified format.

tb endpoint stats

Prints stats of the last 7 days for an endpoint.

--format [json]Returns the results in the specified format.