Consume APIs in a Next.js frontend with JWTs

In this guide, you'll learn how to generate self-signed JWTs from your backend, and call Tinybird APIs directly from your frontend, using Next.js.

JWTs are signed tokens that allow you to securely authorize and share data between your application and Tinybird. If you want to read more about JWTs, check out the website.

You can view the live demo or browse the GitHub repo (guide-nextjs-jwt-auth).


This guide assumes that you have a Tinybird account, and you are familiar with creating a Tinybird Workspace and pushing resources to it.

Make sure you understand the concept of Tinybird's Static Tokens.

You'll need a working familiarity with JWTs, JavaScript, and Next.js.

Run the demo

These steps cover running the GitHub demo locally. Skip to the next section for a breakdown of the code.

1. Clone the GitHub repo

Clone the GitHub repo (guide-nextjs-jwt-auth) to your local machine.

2. Push Tinybird resources

The repo includes two sample Tinybird resources:

  • events.datasource: The Data Source for incoming events.
  • top_airlines.pipe: An API Endpoint giving a list of top 10 airlines by booking volume.

Configure the Tinybird CLI and tb push the resources to your Workspace. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the files onto the UI to upload them.

3. Generate some fake data

Use Mockingbird to generate fake data for the events Data Source.

Using this link ^ provides a pre-configured schema, but you will need to enter your Workspace admin Token and Host. When configured, scroll down and select Start Generating!.

In the Tinybird UI, confirm that the events Data Source is successfully receiving data.

4. Install dependencies

Navigate to the cloned repo and install the dependencies with npm install.

5. Configure .env

First create a new file .env.local

cp .env.example .env.local

Copy your Tinybird host and admin Token (used as the TINYBIRD_SIGNING_TOKEN) to the .env.local file:

TINYBIRD_SIGNING_TOKEN="TINYBIRD_SIGNING_TOKEN>" # Use your Admin Token as the signing Token

Replace the Tinybird API hostname/region with the right API URL region that matches your Workspace. Your Token lives in the Workspace under "Tokens".

Run the demo app

Run it locally:

npm run dev

Then open http://localhost:3000 with your browser.

Understand the code

This section breaks down the key parts of code from the example.


The .env file contains the environment variables used in the application.

.env file


TINYBIRD_SIGNING_TOKEN is the token used to sign JWTs. You must use your admin Token. It is a shared secret between your application and Tinybird. Your application uses this Token to sign JWTs, and Tinybird uses it to verify the JWTs. It should be kept secret, as exposing it could allow unauthorized access to your Tinybird resources. It is best practice to store this in an environment variable instead of hardcoding it in your application.


TINYBIRD_WORKSPACE is the ID of your Workspace. It is used to identify the Workspace that the JWT is generated for. The Workspace ID is included inside the JWT payload. Workspace IDs are UUIDs and can be found using the CLI tb workspace current command or from the Tinybird UI.


NEXT_PUBLIC_TINYBIRD_HOST is the base URL of the Tinybird API. It is used to construct the URL for the Tinybird API Endpoints. You must use the correct URL for your Tinybird region. The NEXT_PUBLIC_ prefix is required for Next.js to expose the variable to the client side.


The token.ts file contains the logic to generate and sign JWTs. It uses the jsonwebtoken library to create the Token.

"use server";

import jwt from "jsonwebtoken";

const WORKSPACE_ID = process.env.TINYBIRD_WORKSPACE ?? "";
const PIPE_ID = "top_airlines"; 

export async function generateJWT() {
  const next10minutes = new Date();
  next10minutes.setTime(next10minutes.getTime() + 1000 * 60 * 10);

  const payload = {
    workspace_id: WORKSPACE_ID,
    name: "my_demo_jwt",
    exp: Math.floor(next10minutes.getTime() / 1000),
    scopes: [
        type: "PIPES:READ",
        resource: PIPE_ID,

  return jwt.sign(payload, TINYBIRD_SIGNING_TOKEN, {noTimestamp: true});

This code runs on the backend to generate JWTs without exposing secrets to the user.

It pulls in the TINYBIRD_SIGNING_TOKEN and WORKSPACE_ID from the environment variables.

As this example only exposes a single API Endpoint (top_airlines.pipe), the PIPE_ID is hardcoded to its deployed ID. If you had multiple API Endpoints, you would need to create an item in the scopes array for each one.

The generateJWT function handles creation of the JWT. A JWT has various required fields.

The exp field sets the expiration time of the JWT in the form a UTC timestamp. In this case, it is set to 10 minutes in the future. You can adjust this value to suit your needs.

The name field is a human-readable name for the JWT. This value is only used for logging.

The scopes field defines what the JWT can access. This is an array, which allows you create one JWT that can access multiple API Endpoints. In this case, we only have one API Endpoint. Under scopes, the type field is always PIPES:READ for reading data from a Pipe. The resource field is the ID or name of the Pipe you want to access. If required, you can also add fixed_parameters here to supply parameters to the API Endpoint.

Finally, the payload is signed using the jsonwebtoken library and the TINYBIRD_SIGNING_TOKEN.


The useFetch.tsx file contains a custom React hook that fetches data from the Tinybird API using a JWT. It also handles refreshing the token if it expires.

import { generateJWT } from "@/server/token";
import { useState } from "react";

export function useFetcher() {
  const [token, setToken] = useState("");

  const refreshToken = async () => {
    const newToken = await generateJWT();
    return newToken;

  return async (url: string) => {
    let currentToken = token;
    if (!currentToken) {
      currentToken = await refreshToken();
    const response = await fetch(url + "?token=" + currentToken);

    if (response.status === 200) {
      return response.json();
    if (response.status === 403) {
      const newToken = await refreshToken();
      return fetch(url + "?token=" + newToken).then((res) => res.json());

This code runs on the client side and is used to fetch data from the Tinybird API.

It uses the generateJWT function from the token.ts file to get a JWT. The JWT is stored in the token state.

Most importantly, it uses the standard fetch API to make requests to the Tinybird API. The JWT is passed as a token query parameter in the URL.

If the request returns a 403 status code, the hook then calls refreshToken to get a new JWT and retries the request. However, note that this is a simple implementation and there are other reasons why a request might fail with a 403 status code (e.g., the JWT is invalid, the API Endpoint has been removed, etc.).


The page.tsx file contains the main logic for the Next.js page. It is responsible for initiating the call to the Tinybird API Endpoints and rendering the data into a chart.

"use client";

import { BarChart, Card, Subtitle, Text, Title } from "@tremor/react";
import useSWR from "swr";
import { getEndpointUrl } from "@/utils";
import { useFetcher } from "@/hooks/useFetch";

const REFRESH_INTERVAL_IN_MILLISECONDS = 5000; // five seconds

export default function Dashboard() {
  const endpointUrl = getEndpointUrl();
  const fetcher = useFetcher();

  let top_airline, latency, errorMessage;

  const { data } = useSWR(endpointUrl, fetcher, {
    onError: (error) => (errorMessage = error),

  if (!data) return;

  if (data?.error) {
    errorMessage = data.error;

  top_airline =;
  latency = data.statistics?.elapsed;

  return (
      <Title>Top airlines by bookings</Title>
      <Subtitle>Ranked from highest to lowest</Subtitle>
      {top_airline && (
          colors={["blue", "red"]}
      {latency && <Text>Latency: {latency * 1000} ms</Text>}
      {errorMessage && (
        <div className="mt-4 text-red-600">
            Oops, something happens: <strong>{errorMessage}</strong>
          <p className="text-sm">Check your console for more information</p>

It uses SWR and the useFetcher hook from useFetch.tsx to fetch data from the Tinybird API.

When the API Endpoint returns data, it is rendered as bar chart using the BarChart component from the @tremor/react library.

Next steps
