
A workspace is a set of Tinybird resources, like data sources, pipes, nodes, endpoints, and tokens. workspaces are always created inside organizations.

You can use workspaces to manage separate projects, use cases, and dev, staging, or production environments in Tinybird. Each workspace has administrators and members who can view and edit resources.

Create a workspace

When you authenticate using tb login, your default browser opens Tinybird Cloud. Select Create workspace.

If you don't have an organization defined, Tinybird Cloud allows you to also create an organization. Fill out the required information.

Workspace ID

The workspace ID is a unique identifier for each workspace.

To find the workspace ID using the CLI, run tb workspace current from the CLI:

tb workspace current

** Current workspace:
| name                   | id                                   | role  | plan   | current |
| tinybird_web_analytics | xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx | guest | Custom | True    |

List workspaces

List the workspaces you have access to, and the one that you're currently authenticated to:

List workspaces
tb workspace ls

Delete a workspace

Deleting a workspace deletes all resources within the workspace, including data sources, ingested data, pipes, and published endpoints.

Deleted workspaces can't be recovered.

To delete a workspace using the CLI, use the following command:

tb workspace delete

Provide the name of the workspace and your user token. For example:

tb workspace delete my_workspace --user_token <your user token>

Manage workspace members

In Tinybird Cloud, go to Settings > Members to review any members already part of your workspace. You can invite as many members to a workspace as you want. A member can belong to multiple workspaces.

Add a new member by entering their email address and confirming their role from the menu. You can invite multiple users at the same time by adding multiple email addresses separated by a comma.

The users you invite get an email notifying them that they have been invited. If they don't already have a Tinybird account, they're prompted to create one to accept your invite.

Invited users appear in the user management modal and by default have the Guest role. If the user loses their invite link, you can resend it here too, or copy the link to your clipboard. You can also remove members from here using the "..." menu and selecting "Remove".

User roles

Members always have a role assigned. You can modify the role of a user at any time.

Tinybird has the following member roles for workspaces:

RoleManage resourcesManage usersCreate a branch

Next steps

  • Familiarize yourself with datafiles. See Datafiles.
  • Learn how to get data into Tinybird. See Get data in.