Tinybird Forward is live! See the Tinybird Forward docs to learn more. To migrate, see Migrate from Classic.


Tinybird is the analytical backend for your applications: it consumes data from any source and exposes it through API Endpoints.

Tinybird can sit parallel to the Data Warehouse or in front of it. The Data Warehouse allows to explore use cases like BI and data science, while Tinybird unlocks action use cases like operational applications, embedded analytics, and user-facing analytics.

Read the guide "Team integration and data governance" to learn more about implementing Tinybird in your existing team.

Is data stored in Tinybird?

The data you ingest into Tinybird is stored in a high performance, columnar OLAP database. Depending on the use case, you can add a TTL to control how long data is stored.

Cloud environment vs on-premises

Tinybird is a managed SaaS solution. Tinybird doesn't provide a "Bring Your Own Cloud" (BYOC) or on-premises deployments. If you are interested in a BYOC deployment, join the Tinybird BYOC Waitlist.

Tinybird Local container

You can run Tinybird locally for testing and development purposes using the Tinybird Local container.

Next steps
