Tinybird Forward is live! See the Tinybird Forward docs to learn more. To migrate, see Migrate from Classic.

Build a user-facing web analytics dashboard

Read on to learnhow to build a user-facing web analytics dashboard. Use Tinybird to capture web clickstream events, process the data in real-time, and expose metrics as APIs. Then, deploy a Next.js app to visualize your metrics.

GitHub Repository

The guide is divided into the following steps:

  1. Stream unstructured events data to Tinybird with the Events API.
  2. Parse those events with a global SQL node that you can reuse in all your subsequent Tinybird Pipes.
  3. Build performant queries to calculate user-facing analytics metrics.
  4. Optimize query performance with Materialized Views.
  5. Publish your metrics as API Endpoints and integrate them into a user-facing Next.js app.


To complete this tutorial, you need the following:

  1. A free Tinybird account
  2. An empty Tinybird Workspace
  3. Node.js 20.11 or higher
  4. Python 3.8 or higher

This tutorial includes a Next.js app for frontend visualization. For more information about how the Next.js app is designed and deployed, read the repository README.

The steps in this tutorial are completed using the Tinybird Command Line Interface (CLI). If you're not familiar with it, read the CLI docs. You can copy and paste every code snippet and command in this tutorial.


Create a Tinybird Data Source to store your events

First, create a Tinybird Data Source to store your web clickstream events. Create a new directory called tinybird in your project folder and install the Tinybird CLI:

Install the Tinybird CLI
mkdir tinybird
cd tinybird
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install tinybird-cli

Copy the user admin Token and authenticate the CLI:

Authenticate the Tinybird CLI
tb auth --token <your token>

Initialize an empty Tinybird project and navigate to the /datasources directory, then create a new file called analytics_events.datasource:

Create a Data Source
tb init
cd datasources
touch analytics_events.datasource

Open the file in your preferred code editor and paste the following contents:

    Analytics events landing data source

    `timestamp` DateTime `json:$.timestamp`,
    `session_id` String `json:$.session_id`,
    `action` LowCardinality(String) `json:$.action`,
    `version` LowCardinality(String) `json:$.version`,
    `payload` String `json:$.payload`

ENGINE MergeTree
ENGINE_TTL timestamp + toIntervalDay(60)

If you pass a non-existent Data Source name to the Events API, Tinybird automatically creates a new Data Source of that name with an inferred schema. By creating the Data Source ahead of time in this file, you have more control over the schema definition, including column types and sorting keys. For more information about creating Tinybird Data Sources, see Data Sources.

In the /tinybird directory, save and push the file to Tinybird:

Push the Data Source to Tinybird
cd ..
tb push datasources/analytics_events.datasource

Confirm that you have a new Data Source:

tb datasource ls

You should see analytics_events in the result. Congrats, you have a Tinybird Data Source!


Stream mock data to your Data Source

This tutorial uses Mockingbird, an open source mock data stream generator, to stream mock web clickstream events to your Data Source. Mockingbird generates a JSON payload based on a predefined schema and posts it to the Tinybird Events API, which then writes the data to your Data Source. You can explore the Mockingbird web UI, or follow the steps to complete the same actions using the Mockingbird CLI.

In a separate terminal window, install the Mockingbird CLI:

Install Mockingbird
npm install -g @tinybirdco/mockingbird-cli

Run the following command to stream 50,000 mock web clickstream events to your analytics_events Data Source at 50 events per second through the Events API. This command uses the predefined Web Analytics template schema to generate mock web clickstream events.

Copy your User Admin Token to the clipboard with tb token copy dashboard, and use it in the following command. Change the endpoint argument depending on your Workspace region if required:

Stream to Tinybird with a template
mockingbird-cli tinybird --template "Web Analytics template" --eps 50 --limit 50000 --datasource analytics_events --token <your_user_admin_token> --endpoint gcp_europe_west3

Confirm that events are written to the analytics_events Data Source by running the following command a few times:

tb sql 'select count() from analytics_events'

You should see the count incrementing up by 50 every second or so. Congratulations, you're ready to start processing your events data!


Parse the raw JSON events

The analytics_events Data Source has a payload column which stores a string of JSON data. To begin building your analytics metrics, you need to parse this JSON data using a Tinybird Pipe.

When you're dealing with unstructured data that's likely to change in the future, retain the unstructured data as a JSON string in a single column. This gives you flexibility to change your upstream producers without breaking ingestion. You can then parse and materialize this data downstream.

Navigate to the /pipes directory and create a new file called analytics_hits.pipe:

Create a Pipe
touch analytics_hits.pipe

Open the file and paste the following contents:

    Parsed `page_hit` events, implementing `browser` and `device` detection logic.

TOKEN "dashboard" READ

NODE parsed_hits
    Parse raw page_hit events

        coalesce(session_id, '0') as session_id,
        JSONExtractString(payload, 'locale') as locale,
        JSONExtractString(payload, 'location') as location,
        JSONExtractString(payload, 'referrer') as referrer,
        JSONExtractString(payload, 'pathname') as pathname,
        JSONExtractString(payload, 'href') as href,
        lower(JSONExtractString(payload, 'user-agent')) as user_agent
    FROM analytics_events
    where action = 'page_hit'

NODE endpoint
            when match(user_agent, 'wget|ahrefsbot|curl|urllib|bitdiscovery|\+https://|googlebot')
            then 'bot'
            when match(user_agent, 'android')
            then 'mobile-android'
            when match(user_agent, 'ipad|iphone|ipod')
            then 'mobile-ios'
            else 'desktop'
        END as device,
            when match(user_agent, 'firefox')
            then 'firefox'
            when match(user_agent, 'chrome|crios')
            then 'chrome'
            when match(user_agent, 'opera')
            then 'opera'
            when match(user_agent, 'msie|trident')
            then 'ie'
            when match(user_agent, 'iphone|ipad|safari')
            then 'safari'
            else 'Unknown'
        END as browser
    FROM parsed_hits

This Pipe contains two nodes. The first node, called parsed_hits, extracts relevant information from the JSON payload using the JSONExtractString() function and filters to only include page_hit actions.

The second node, called endpoint, selects from the parsed_hits node and further parses the user_agent to get the device and browser for each event.

Additionally, this code gives the Pipe a description, and creates a Token called dashboard with READ scope for this Pipe.

Navigate back up to the /tinybird directory and push the Pipe to Tinybird:

Push the Pipe to Tinybird
tb push pipes/analytics_hits.pipe

When you push a Pipe file, Tinybird automatically publishes the last node as an API Endpoint unless you specify the Pipe as something else, so it's best practice to call your final node "endpoint". You can unpublish an API Endpoint at any time using tb pipe unpublish <pipe_name>.

You now have a public REST API that returns the results of the analytics_hits Pipe. Get your Admin Token again with tb token copy dashboard and test your API with the command:

curl "https://api.tinybird.co/v0/pipes/analytics_hits.json?token=<your_token>"

You should see a JSON response that looks something like this:

Example API response
            "name": "timestamp",
            "type": "DateTime"
            "name": "action",
            "type": "LowCardinality(String)"
            "name": "version",
            "type": "LowCardinality(String)"
            "name": "session_id",
            "type": "String"
            "name": "location",
            "type": "String"
            "name": "referrer",
            "type": "String"
            "name": "pathname",
            "type": "String"
            "name": "href",
            "type": "String"
            "name": "device",
            "type": "String"
            "name": "browser",
            "type": "String"

            "timestamp": "2024-04-24 18:24:21",
            "action": "page_hit",
            "version": "1",
            "session_id": "713355c6-6b98-4c7a-82a9-e19a7ace81fe",
            "location": "",
            "referrer": "https:\/\/www.kike.io",
            "pathname": "\/blog-posts\/data-market-whitebox-replaces-4-data-stack-tools-with-tinybird",
            "href": "https:\/\/www.tinybird.co\/blog-posts\/data-market-whitebox-replaces-4-data-stack-tools-with-tinybird",
            "device": "bot",
            "browser": "chrome"

    "rows": 150,

        "elapsed": 0.006203411,
        "rows_read": 150,
        "bytes_read": 53609

Calculate aggregates for pageviews, sessions, and sources

Next, create three Materialized Views to store aggregates for the following:

  1. pageviews
  2. sessions
  3. sources

Later on, you query from the Materialized Views that you're creating here.

From the /datasources directory in the Tinybird project, create three new Data Source files:

touch analytics_pages_mv.datasource analytics_sessions_mv.datasource analytics_sources_mv.datasource

Open the analytics_pages_mv.datasource file and paste in the following contents:

    `date` Date,
    `device` String,
    `browser` String,
    `location` String,
    `pathname` String,
    `visits` AggregateFunction(uniq, String),
    `hits` AggregateFunction(count)

ENGINE AggregatingMergeTree
ENGINE_SORTING_KEY date, device, browser, location, pathname

Do the same for analytics_sessions_mv.datasource and analytics_sources_mv.datasource, copying the code from the GitHub repository for this tutorial.

Next, create three Pipes that calculate the aggregates and store the data in the Materialized View Data Sources you've created. From the /pipes directory, create three new Pipe files:

touch analytics_pages.pipe analytics_sessions.pipe analytics_sources.pipe

Open analytics_pages.pipe and paste the following:

NODE analytics_pages_1
    Aggregate by pathname and calculate session and hits

        toDate(timestamp) AS date,
        uniqState(session_id) AS visits,
        countState() AS hits
    FROM analytics_hits
    GROUP BY date, device, browser, location, pathname

DATASOURCE analytics_pages_mv

This code calculates aggregates for page views, and designates the Pipe as a Materialized View with analytics_pages_mv as the target Data Source. Do this for the remaining two Pipes, copying the code from the GitHub repository.

Back in the /tinybird directory, push these new Pipes and Data Sources to Tinybird. This populates the Materialized Views with your Mockingbird data:

Push to Tinybird
tb push pipes --push-deps --populate

Now, as new events arrive in the analytics_events Data Source, these Pipes process the data and update the aggregate states in your Materialized Views as new data arrives.


Generate session count trend for the last 30 minutes

The first Pipe you create, called trend, calculates the number of sessions over the last 30 minutes, grouped by 1 minute intervals.

From the /pipes directory, create a file called trend.pipe:

Create trend.pipe
touch trend.pipe

Open this file and paste the following:

    Visits trend over time for the last 30 minutes, filling in the blanks.

TOKEN "dashboard" READ

NODE timeseries
    Generate a timeseries for the last 30 minutes, so we call fill empty data points

    with (now() - interval 30 minute) as start
    select addMinutes(toStartOfMinute(start), number) as t
    from (select arrayJoin(range(1, 31)) as number)

NODE hits
    Get last 30 minutes metrics grouped by minute

    select toStartOfMinute(timestamp) as t, uniq(session_id) as visits
    from analytics_hits
    where timestamp >= (now() - interval 30 minute)
    group by toStartOfMinute(timestamp)
    order by toStartOfMinute(timestamp)

NODE endpoint
    Join and generate timeseries with metrics for the last 30 minutes

    select a.t, b.visits from timeseries a left join hits b on a.t = b.t order by a.t

This Pipe contains three nodes:

  1. The first node, called timeseries, generates a simple result set with 1-minute intervals for the last 30 minutes.
  2. The second node, called hits, calculates total sessions over the last 30 minutes, grouped by 1-minute intervals.
  3. The third node, called endpoint, performs a left join between the first two nodes, retaining all of the 1-minute intervals from the timeseries node.

Calculate the top pages visited

Next, create a Pipe called top_pages to calculate a sorted list of the top pages visited over a specified time range. This Pipe queries the analytics_pages_mv Data Source you created in the prior steps, and it uses Tinybird's templating language to define query parameters that you can use to dynamically select a time range and implement pagination in the response.

From the /pipes directory, create the top_pages.pipe file:

Create top_pages.pipe
touch top_pages.pipe

Open the file and paste the following:

    Most visited pages for a given period.
    Accepts `date_from` and `date_to` date filter. Defaults to last 7 days.
    Also `skip` and `limit` parameters for pagination.

TOKEN "dashboard" READ

NODE endpoint
    Group by pagepath and calculate hits and visits

    select pathname, uniqMerge(visits) as visits, countMerge(hits) as hits
    from analytics_pages_mv
        {% if defined(date_from) %}
            {{ Date(date_from, description="Starting day for filtering a date range", required=False) }}
        {% else %} date >= timestampAdd(today(), interval -7 day)
        {% end %}
        {% if defined(date_to) %}
            and date
            {{ Date(date_to, description="Finishing day for filtering a date range", required=False) }}
        {% else %} and date <= today()
        {% end %}
    group by pathname
    order by visits desc
    limit {{ Int32(skip, 0) }},{{ Int32(limit, 50) }}

Note the use of the -Merge modifiers on the end of the aggregate function. This modifier performs a final merge on the aggregate states in the Materialized View. Read this Guide for more details.


Create the remaining API Endpoints

In the GitHub repository, you can find five additional Pipe files that calculate other various user-facing metrics:

Create those into your /pipes directory:

touch kpis.pipe top_browsers.pipe top_devices.pipe top_locations.pipe top_sources.pipe

And copy the file contents from the GitHub examples into your files. Finally, in the /tinybird directory, push all these new Pipes to Tinybird:

tb push pipes

You now have seven API Endpoints that you can integrate into your Next.js app to provide data to your dashboard components.


Deploy the Next.js app

You can deploy the accompanying Next.js app to Vercel by clicking this button:

First, select the Git provider where you can clone the Git repository:

Select Git provider

Next, set the following environment variables:

  • NEXT_PUBLIC_TINYBIRD_HOST: your Tinybird Region (e.g. https://api.tinybird.co)
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL: The URL where you will publish your app (e.g. https://my-analytics.com)
Set env variables

Select Deploy and you're done. Explore your dashboard and have a think about how you'd like to adapt or extend it in the future.

Next steps
