Tinybird Forward is live! See the Tinybird Forward docs to learn more. To migrate, see Migrate from Classic.

CLI command reference

The following list shows all available commands in the Tinybird command-line interface, their options, and their arguments.

For examples on how to use them, see the Quick start guide, Data projects, and Common use cases.

tb auth

Configure your Tinybird authentication.

auth commands

info OPTIONSGets information about the authentication that is currently being used.
ls OPTIONSLists available regions to authenticate.
use OPTIONS REGION_NAME_OR_HOST_OR_IDSwitches to a different region. You can pass the region name, the region host url, or the region index after listing available regions with tb auth ls.

The previous commands accept the following options:

  • --token INTEGER: Use auth Token, defaults to TB_TOKEN envvar, then to the .tinyb file.
  • --host TEXT: Set custom host if it's different than https://api.tinybird.co. Check this page for the available list of regions.
  • --region TEXT: Set region. Run 'tb auth ls' to show available regions.
  • --connector [bigquery]: Set credentials for one of the supported connectors.
  • --interactive,-i: Show available regions and select where to authenticate to.

tb branch

Manage your Workspace branches.

Branch commands



Creates a new Branch in the current 'main' Workspace.

--last-partition: Attaches the last modified partition from 'main' to the new Branch.

-i, --ignore-datasource DATA_SOURCE_NAME: Ignore specified Data Source partitions.

--wait / --no-wait: Wait for Branch jobs to finish, showing a progress bar. Disabled by default.

currentShows the Branch you're currently authenticated to.


Performs a data branch operation to bring data into the current Branch.

--last-partition: Attaches the last modified partition from 'main' to the new Branch.

-i, --ignore-datasource DATA_SOURCE_NAME: Ignore specified Data Source partitions.

--wait / --no-wait: Wait for Branch jobs to finish, showing a progress bar. Disabled by default.

datasource copy DATA_SOURCE_NAME

Copies data source from Main.

--sql SQL: Freeform SQL query to select what is copied from Main into the Environment Data Source.

--sql-from-main: SQL query selecting all from the same Data Source in Main.

--wait / --no-wait: Wait for copy job to finish. Disabled by default.

lsLists all the Branches available.--sort / --no-sort: Sorts the list of Branches by name. Disabled by default.


Regression test commands.

-f, --filename PATH: The yaml file with the regression-tests definition.

--skip-regression-tests / --no-skip-regression-tests: Flag to skip execution of regression tests. This is handy for CI Branches where regression might be flaky.

--main: Runs regression tests in the main Branch. For this flag to work all the resources in the Branch Pipe Endpoints need to exist in the main Branch.

--wait / --no-wait: Waits for regression job to finish, showing a progress bar. Disabled by default.

regression-tests coverage PIPE_NAME

Runs regression tests using coverage requests for Branch vs Main Workspace. It creates a regression-tests job. The argument supports regular expressions. Using '.*' if no Pipe name is provided.

--assert-result / --no-assert-result: Whether to perform an assertion on the results returned by the Endpoint. Enabled by default. Use --no-assert-result if you expect the endpoint output is different from current version.

--assert-result-no-error / --no-assert-result-no-error: Whether to verify that the Endpoint doesn't return errors. Enabled by default. Use --no-assert-result-no-error if you expect errors from the endpoint.

--assert-result-rows-count / --no-assert-result-rows-count: Whether to verify that the correct number of elements are returned in the results. Enabled by default. Use --assert-result-rows-count if you expect the numbers of elements in the endpoint output is different from current version.

--assert-result-ignore-order / --no-assert-result-ignore-order: Whether to ignore the order of the elements in the results. Disabled by default. Use --assert-result-ignore-order if you expect the endpoint output is returning same elements but in different order.

--assert-time-increase-percentage INTEGER: Allowed percentage increase in Endpoint response time. Default value is 25%. Use -1 to disable assert.

--assert-bytes-read-increase-percentage INTEGER: Allowed percentage increase in the amount of bytes read by the endpoint. Default value is 25%. Use -1 to disable assert.

--assert-max-time FLOAT: Max time allowed for the endpoint response time. If the response time is lower than this value then the --assert-time-increase-percentage isn't taken into account.

--ff, --failfast: When set, the checker exits as soon one test fails.

--wait: Waits for regression job to finish, showing a progress bar. Disabled by default.

--skip-regression-tests / --no-skip-regression-tests: Flag to skip execution of regression tests. This is handy for CI environments where regression might be flaky.

--main: Runs regression tests in the main Branch. For this flag to work all the resources in the Branch Pipe Endpoints need to exist in the main Branch.

regression-tests last PIPE_NAME

Runs regression tests using coverage requests for Branch vs Main Workspace. It creates a regression-tests job. The argument supports regular expressions. Using '.*' if no Pipe name is provided.

--assert-result / --no-assert-result: Whether to perform an assertion on the results returned by the Endpoint. Enabled by default. Use --no-assert-result if you expect the endpoint output is different from current version.

--assert-result-no-error / --no-assert-result-no-error: Whether to verify that the Endpoint doesn't return errors. Enabled by default. Use --no-assert-result-no-error if you expect errors from the endpoint.

--assert-result-rows-count / --no-assert-result-rows-count: Whether to verify that the correct number of elements are returned in the results. Enabled by default. Use --assert-result-rows-count if you expect the numbers of elements in the endpoint output is different from current version.

--assert-result-ignore-order / --no-assert-result-ignore-order: Whether to ignore the order of the elements in the results. Disabled by default. Use --assert-result-ignore-order if you expect the endpoint output is returning same elements but in different order.

--assert-time-increase-percentage INTEGER: Allowed percentage increase in Endpoint response time. Default value is 25%. Use -1 to disable assert.

--assert-bytes-read-increase-percentage INTEGER: Allowed percentage increase in the amount of bytes read by the endpoint. Default value is 25%. Use -1 to disable assert.

--assert-max-time FLOAT: Max time allowed for the endpoint response time. If the response time is lower than this value then the --assert-time-increase-percentage isn't taken into account.

--ff, --failfast: When set, the checker exits as soon one test fails.

--wait: Waits for regression job to finish, showing a progress bar. Disabled by default.

--skip-regression-tests / --no-skip-regression-tests: Flag to skip execution of regression tests. This is handy for CI environments where regression might be flaky.

regression-tests manual PIPE_NAME

Runs regression tests using coverage requests for Branch vs Main Workspace. It creates a regression-tests job. The argument supports regular expressions. Using '.*' if no Pipe name is provided.

--assert-result / --no-assert-result: Whether to perform an assertion on the results returned by the Endpoint. Enabled by default. Use --no-assert-result if you expect the endpoint output is different from current version.

--assert-result-no-error / --no-assert-result-no-error: Whether to verify that the Endpoint doesn't return errors. Enabled by default. Use --no-assert-result-no-error if you expect errors from the endpoint.

--assert-result-rows-count / --no-assert-result-rows-count: Whether to verify that the correct number of elements are returned in the results. Enabled by default. Use --assert-result-rows-count if you expect the numbers of elements in the endpoint output is different from current version.

--assert-result-ignore-order / --no-assert-result-ignore-order: Whether to ignore the order of the elements in the results. Disabled by default. Use --assert-result-ignore-order if you expect the endpoint output is returning same elements but in different order.

--assert-time-increase-percentage INTEGER: Allowed percentage increase in Endpoint response time. Default value is 25%. Use -1 to disable assert.

--assert-bytes-read-increase-percentage INTEGER: Allowed percentage increase in the amount of bytes read by the endpoint. Default value is 25%. Use -1 to disable assert.

--assert-max-time FLOAT: Max time allowed for the endpoint response time. If the response time is lower than this value then the --assert-time-increase-percentage isn't taken into account.

--ff, --failfast: When set, the checker exits as soon one test fails.

--wait: Waits for regression job to finish, showing a progress bar. Disabled by default.

--skip-regression-tests / --no-skip-regression-tests: Flag to skip execution of regression tests. This is handy for CI Branches where regression might be flaky.

rm [BRANCH_NAME_OR_ID]Removes a Branch from the Workspace (not Main). It can't be recovered.--yes: Don't ask for confirmation.
use [BRANCH_NAME_OR_ID]Switches to another Branch.

tb check

Checks file syntax.

It only allows one option, --debug, which prints the internal representation.

tb connection

Connection commands.

create COMMAND [ARGS]Creates a connection. Available subcommands or types are bigquery, kafka, s3_iamrole.See the next table.
ls [OPTIONS]Lists connections.--connector TYPE: Filters by connector. Available types are bigquery, kafka, s3_iamrole.
rm [OPTIONS] CONNECTION_ID_OR_NAMERemoves a connection.--force BOOLEAN: Forces connection removal even if there are Data Sources using it.

tb connection create

The following subcommands and settings are available for each tb connection create subcommand:

create bigquery [OPTIONS]Creates a BigQuery connection.--no-validate: Doesn't validate GCP permissions.

create kafka [OPTIONS]

Creates a Kafka connection.

--bootstrap-servers TEXT: Kafka Bootstrap Server in the form mykafka.mycloud.com:9092.

--key TEXT: Key.

--secret TEXT: Secret.

--connection-name TEXT: Name of your Kafka connection. If not provided, it's set as the bootstrap server.

--auto-offset-reset TEXT: Offset reset, can be 'latest' or 'earliest'. Defaults to 'latest'.

--schema-registry-url TEXT: Avro Confluent Schema Registry URL.

--sasl-mechanism TEXT: Authentication method for connection-based protocols. Defaults to 'PLAIN'.

--ssl-ca-pem TEXT: Path or content of the CA Certificate file in PEM format.

create s3_iamrole [OPTIONS]

Creates an S3 connection (IAM role).

--connection-name TEXT: Name of the connection to identify it in Tinybird.

--role-arn TEXT: The ARN of the IAM role to use for the connection.

--region TEXT: The Amazon S3 region where the bucket is located.

--policy TEXT: The Amazon S3 access policy: write or read.

--no-validate: Don't validate S3 permissions during connection creation.

tb datasource

Data Sources commands.

analyze OPTIONS URL_OR_FILEAnalyzes a URL or a file before creating a new data source.
append OPTIONS DATASOURCE_NAME URLAppends data to an existing Data Source from URL, local file or a connector.


Deprecated. Use tb connection create instead.

--kafka-topic TEXT: For Kafka connections: topic.

--kafka-group TEXT: For Kafka connections: group ID.

--kafka-auto-offset-reset [latest|earliest]: Kafka auto.offset.reset config. Valid values are: ["latest", "earliest"].

--kafka-sasl-mechanism [PLAIN|SCRAM-SHA-256|SCRAM-SHA-512]: Kafka SASL mechanism. Valid values are: ["PLAIN", "SCRAM-SHA-256", "SCRAM-SHA-512"]. Default: "PLAIN".


Copies data source from Main.

--sql TEXT: Freeform SQL query to select what is copied from Main into the Branch Data Source.

--sql-from-main: SQL query selecting * from the same Data Source in Main.

--wait: Wait for copy job to finish, disabled by default.


Deletes rows from a Data Source.

--yes: Doesn't ask for confirmation.

--wait: Wait for delete job to finish, disabled by default.

--dry-run: Run the command without deleting anything.

--sql-condition: Delete rows with SQL condition.

generate OPTIONS FILENAMESGenerates a Data Source file based on a sample CSV file from local disk or URL.--force: Overrides existing files.


Lists Data Sources.

--match TEXT: Retrieves any resources matching the pattern. eg --match _test.

--format [json]: Force a type of the output.

--dry-run: Run the command without deleting anything.


Replaces the data in a Data Source from a URL, local file or a connector.

--sql: The SQL to extract from.

--connector: Connector name.

--sql-condition: Delete rows with SQL condition.

rm OPTIONS DATASOURCE_NAMEDeletes a Data Source.--yes: Doesn't ask for confirmation.


Shares a Data Source.

--user_token TEXT: User token.

--yes: Don't ask for confirmation.

sync OPTIONS DATASOURCE_NAMESyncs from connector defined in .datasource file.--yes: Doesn't ask for confirmation.


Truncates a Data Source.

--yes: Doesn't ask for confirmation.

--cascade: Truncate dependent Data Source attached in cascade to the given Data Source.


Unshares a Data Source.

--user_token TEXT: When passed, Tinybird won't prompt asking for it.

--yes: Don't ask for confirmation.

scheduling resume DATASOURCE_NAMEResumes the scheduling of a Data Source.
scheduling pause DATASOURCE_NAMEPauses the scheduling of a Data Source.
scheduling status DATASOURCE_NAMEGets the scheduling status of a Data Source (paused or running).

tb dependencies

Prints all Data Sources dependencies.

Its options:

  • --no-deps: Prints only Data Sources with no Pipes using them.
  • --match TEXT: Retrieves any resource matching the pattern.
  • --pipe TEXT: Retrieves any resource used by Pipe.
  • --datasource TEXT: Retrieves resources depending on this Data Source.
  • --check-for-partial-replace: Retrieves dependant Data Sources that have their data replaced if a partial replace is executed in the Data Source selected.
  • --recursive: Calculates recursive dependencies.

tb deploy

Deploys in Tinybird pushing resources changed from previous release using Git.

These are the options available for the deploy command:

  • --dry-run: Runs the command with static checks, without creating resources on the Tinybird account or any side effect. Doesn't check for runtime errors.
  • -f, --force: Overrides Pipes when they already exist.
  • --override-datasource: When pushing a Pipe with a materialized node if the target Data Source exists it tries to override it.
  • --populate: Populate materialized nodes when pushing them.
  • --subset FLOAT: Populates with a subset percent of the data (limited to a maximum of 2M rows), this is useful to quickly test a materialized node with some data. The subset must be greater than 0 and lower than 0.1. A subset of 0.1 means a 10% of the data in the source Data Source is used to populate the Materialized View. Use it together with --populate, it has precedence over --sql-condition.
  • --sql-condition TEXT: Populates with a SQL condition to be applied to the trigger Data Source of the Materialized View. For instance, --sql-condition='date == toYYYYMM(now())' it populates taking all the rows from the trigger Data Source which date is the current month. Use it together with --populate. --sql-condition isn't taken into account if the --subset param is present. Including in the sql_condition any column present in the Data Source engine_sorting_key makes the populate job process less data.
  • --unlink-on-populate-error: If the populate job fails the Materialized View is unlinked and new data isn't ingested there. First time a populate job fails, the Materialized View is always unlinked.
  • --wait: To be used along with --populate command. Waits for populate jobs to finish, showing a progress bar. Disabled by default.
  • --yes: Doesn't ask for confirmation.
  • --workspace_map TEXT..., --workspace TEXT...: Adds a Workspace path to the list of external Workspaces, usage: --workspace name path/to/folder.
  • --timeout FLOAT: Timeout you want to use for the job populate.
  • --user_token TOKEN: The user Token is required for sharing a Data Source that contains the SHARED_WITH entry.

tb diff

Diffs local datafiles to the corresponding remote files in the Workspace.

It works as a regular diff command, useful to know if the remote resources have been changed. Some caveats:

  • Resources in the Workspace might mismatch due to having slightly different SQL syntax, for instance: A parenthesis mismatch, INTERVAL expressions or changes in the schema definitions.
  • If you didn't specify an ENGINE_PARTITION_KEY and ENGINE_SORTING_KEY, resources in the Workspace might have default ones.

The recommendation in these cases is use tb pull to keep your local files in sync.

Remote files are downloaded and stored locally in a .diff_tmp directory, if working with git you can add it to .gitignore.

The options for this command:

  • --fmt / --no-fmt: Format files before doing the diff, default is True so both files match the format.
  • --no-color: Don't colorize diff.
  • --no-verbose: List the resources changed not the content of the diff.

tb fmt

Formats a .datasource, .pipe or .incl file.

These are the options available for the fmt command:

  • --line-length INTEGER: A number indicating the maximum characters per line in the node SQL, lines split based on the SQL syntax and the number of characters passed as a parameter.
  • --dry-run: Don't ask to override the local file.
  • --yes: Don't ask for confirmation to overwrite the local file.
  • --diff: Formats local file, prints the diff and exits 1 if different, 0 if equal.

This command removes comments starting with # from the file, so use DESCRIPTION or a comment block instead:

Example comment block
{% comment this is a comment and fmt keeps it %}

  {% comment this is another comment and fmt keeps it %}
  count() c
FROM stock_prices_1m

You can add tb fmt to your git pre-commit hook to have your files properly formatted. If the SQL formatting results aren't the ones expected to you, you can disable it just for the blocks needed. Read how to disable fmt.

tb init

Initializes folder layout.

It comes with these options:

  • --generate-datasources: Generates Data Sources based on CSV, NDJSON and Parquet files in this folder.
  • --folder DIRECTORY: Folder where datafiles are placed.
  • -f, --force: Overrides existing files.
  • -ir, --ignore-remote: Ignores remote files not present in the local data project on tb init --git.
  • --git: Initializes Workspace with Git commits.
  • --override-commit TEXT: Use this option to manually override the reference commit of your Workspace. This is useful if a commit isn't recognized in your Git log, such as after a force push (git push -f).

tb job

Jobs commands.

cancel JOB_IDTries to cancel a job.None
details JOB_IDGets details for any job created in the last 48h.None
ls [OPTIONS]Lists jobs.--status [waiting|working|done|error] or -s: Shows results with the desired status.

tb materialize

Analyzes the node_name SQL query to generate the .datasource and .pipe files needed to push a new materialize view.

This command guides you to generate the Materialized View with name TARGET_DATASOURCE, the only requirement is having a valid Pipe datafile locally. Use tb pull to download resources from your Workspace when needed.

It allows to use these options:

---push-deps: Push dependencies, disabled by default.

  • --workspace TEXT...: Add a Workspace path to the list of external Workspaces, usage: --workspace name path/to/folder.
  • --no-versions: When set, resource dependency versions aren't used, it pushes the dependencies as-is.
  • --verbose: Prints more log.
  • --unlink-on-populate-error: If the populate job fails the Materialized View is unlinked and new data isn't ingested in the Materialized View. First time a populate job fails, the Materialized View is always unlinked.

tb pipe

Use the following commands to manage Pipes.

append OPTIONS PIPE_NAME_OR_UID SQLAppends a node to a Pipe.
copy pause OPTIONS PIPE_NAME_OR_UIDPauses a running Copy Pipe.
copy resume OPTIONS PIPE_NAME_OR_UIDResumes a paused Copy Pipe.


Runs an on-demand copy job.

--wait: Waits for the copy job to finish.

--yes: Doesn't ask for confirmation.

--param TEXT: Key and value of the params you want the Copy Pipe to be called with. For example: tb pipe copy run <my_copy_pipe> --param foo=bar.


Prints data returned by a Pipe. You can pass query parameters to the command, for example --param_name value.

--query TEXT: Runs SQL over Pipe results.

--format [json|csv]: Return format (CSV, JSON).

--<param_name> value: Query parameter. You can define multiple parameters and their value. For example,--paramOne value --paramTwo value2.

generate OPTIONS NAME QUERYGenerates a Pipe file based on a sql query. Example: tb pipe generate my_pipe 'select * from existing_datasource'.--force: Overrides existing files.


Lists Pipes.

--match TEXT: Retrieves any resourcing matching the pattern. For example --match _test.

--format [json|csv]: Force a type of the output.


Populates the result of a Materialized node into the target Materialized View.

--node TEXT: Name of the materialized Node. Required.

--sql-condition TEXT: Populate with a SQL condition to be applied to the trigger Data Source of the Materialized View. For instance, --sql-condition='date == toYYYYMM(now())' it populates taking all the rows from the trigger Data Source which date is the current month. Use it together with --populate. --sql-condition isn't taken into account if the --subset param is present. Including in the sql_condition any column present in the Data Source engine_sorting_key makes the populate job process less data.

--truncate: Truncates the materialized Data Source before populating it.

--unlink-on-populate-error: If the populate job fails the Materialized View is unlinked and new data isn't ingested in the Materialized View. First time a populate job fails, the Materialized View is always unlinked.

--wait: Waits for populate jobs to finish, showing a progress bar. Disabled by default.

publish OPTIONS PIPE_NAME_OR_ID NODE_UIDChanges the published node of a Pipe.

regression-test OPTIONS FILENAMES

Runs regression tests using last requests.

--debug: Prints internal representation, can be combined with any command to get more information.

--only-response-times: Checks only response times.

--workspace_map TEXT..., --workspace TEXT...: Add a Workspace path to the list of external Workspaces, usage: --workspace name path/to/folder.

--no-versions: When set, resource dependency versions aren't used, it pushes the dependencies as-is.

-l, --limit INTEGER RANGE: Number of requests to validate [0<=x<=100].

--sample-by-params INTEGER RANGE: When set, aggregates the pipe_stats_rt requests by extractURLParameterNames(assumeNotNull(url)) and for each combination takes a sample of N requests [1<=x<=100].

-m, --match TEXT: Filters the checker requests by specific parameter. You can pass multiple parameters -m foo -m bar.

-ff, --failfast: When set, the checker exits as soon as one test fails.

--ignore-order: When set, the checker ignores the order of list properties.

--validate-processed-bytes: When set, the checker validates that the new version doesn't process more than 25% than the current version.

--relative-change FLOAT: When set, the checker validates the new version has less than this distance with the current version.

rm OPTIONS PIPE_NAME_OR_IDDeletes a Pipe. PIPE_NAME_OR_ID can be either a Pipe name or id in the Workspace or a local path to a .pipe file.--yes: Doesn't ask for confirmation.
set_endpoint OPTIONS PIPE_NAME_OR_ID NODE_UIDSame as 'publish', changes the published node of a Pipe.


Runs an on-demand sink job.

--wait: Waits for the sink job to finish.

--yes: Don't ask for confirmation.

--dry-run: Run the command without executing the sink job.

--param TEXT: Key and value of the params you want the Sink Pipe to be called with. For example: tb pipe sink run <my_sink_pipe> --param foo=bar.

stats OPTIONS PIPESPrints Pipe stats for the last 7 days.--format [json]: Forces a type of the output. To parse the output, keep in mind to use tb --no-version-warning pipe stats option.
token_read OPTIONS PIPE_NAMERetrieves a Token to read a Pipe.
unlink OPTIONS PIPE_NAME NODE_UIDUnlinks the output of a Pipe, whatever its type: Materialized Views, Copy Pipes, or Sinks.
unpublish OPTIONS PIPE_NAME NODE_UIDUnpublishes the endpoint of a Pipe.

tb prompt

Provides instructions to configure the shell prompt for Tinybird CLI. See Configure your shell prompt.

tb pull

Retrieves the latest version for project files from your Workspace.

With these options:

  • --folder DIRECTORY: Folder where files are placed.
  • --auto / --no-auto: Saves datafiles automatically into their default directories (/datasources or /pipes). Default is True.
  • --match TEXT: Retrieve any resourcing matching the pattern. eg --match _test.
  • -f, --force: Override existing files.
  • --fmt: Format files, following the same format as tb fmt.

tb push

Push files to your Workspace.

You can use this command with these options:

  • --dry-run: Runs the command with static checks, without creating resources on the Tinybird account or any side effect. Doesn't check for runtime errors.
  • --check / --no-check: Enables/disables output checking, enabled by default.
  • --push-deps: Pushes dependencies, disabled by default.
  • --only-changes: Pushes only the resources that have changed compared to the destination Workspace.
  • --debug: Prints internal representation, can be combined with any command to get more information.
  • -f, --force: Overrides Pipes when they already exist.
  • --override-datasource: When pushing a Pipe with a materialized node if the target Data Source exists it tries to override it.
  • --populate: Populates materialized nodes when pushing them.
  • --subset FLOAT: Populates with a subset percent of the data (limited to a maximum of 2M rows), this is useful to quickly test a materialized node with some data. The subset must be greater than 0 and lower than 0.1. A subset of 0.1 means a 10 percent of the data in the source Data Source is used to populate the Materialized View. Use it together with --populate, it has precedence over --sql-condition.
  • --sql-condition TEXT: Populates with a SQL condition to be applied to the trigger Data Source of the Materialized View. For instance, --sql-condition='date == toYYYYMM(now())' it populates taking all the rows from the trigger Data Source which date is the current month. Use it together with --populate. --sql-condition isn't taken into account if the --subset param is present. Including in the sql_condition any column present in the Data Source engine_sorting_key makes the populate job process less data.
  • --unlink-on-populate-error: If the populate job fails the Materialized View is unlinked and new data isn't ingested in the Materialized View. First time a populate job fails, the Materialized View is always unlinked.
  • --fixtures: Appends fixtures to Data Sources.
  • --wait: To be used along with --populate command. Waits for populate jobs to finish, showing a progress bar. Disabled by default.
  • --yes: Doesn't ask for confirmation.
  • --only-response-times: Checks only response times, when --force push a Pipe.
  • --workspace TEXT..., --workspace_map TEXT...: Add a Workspace path to the list of external Workspaces, usage: --workspace name path/to/folder.
  • --no-versions: When set, resource dependency versions aren't used, it pushes the dependencies as-is.
  • --timeout FLOAT: Timeout you want to use for the populate job.
  • -l, --limit INTEGER RANGE: Number of requests to validate [0<=x<=100].
  • --sample-by-params INTEGER RANGE: When set, aggregates the pipe_stats_rt requests by extractURLParameterNames(assumeNotNull(url)) and for each combination takes a sample of N requests [1<=x<=100].
  • -ff, --failfast: When set, the checker exits as soon one test fails.
  • --ignore-order: When set, the checker ignores the order of list properties.
  • --validate-processed-bytes: When set, the checker validates that the new version doesn't process more than 25% than the current version.
  • --user_token TEXT: The User Token is required for sharing a Data Source that contains the SHARED_WITH entry.

tb sql

Runs SQL queries over Data Sources and Pipes.

  • --rows_limit INTEGER: Max number of rows retrieved.
  • --pipeline TEXT: The name of the Pipe to run the SQL Query.
  • --pipe TEXT: The path to the .pipe file to run the SQL Query of a specific NODE.
  • --node TEXT: The NODE name.
  • --format [json|csv|human]: Output format.
  • --stats / --no-stats: Shows query stats.

tb test

Test commands.

initInitializes a file list with a simple test suite.--force: Overrides existing files.
parse [OPTIONS] [FILES]Reads the contents of a test file list.


Runs the test suite, a file, or a test.

--verbose or -v: Shows results.

--fail: Show only failed/error tests.

--concurrency [INTEGER RANGE] or -c [INTEGER RANGE]: How many tests to run concurrently.

tb token

Manage your Workspace Tokens.

copy OPTIONS TOKEN_IDCopies a Token.
ls OPTIONSLists Tokens.--match TEXT: Retrieves any Token matching the pattern. eg --match _test.
refresh OPTIONS TOKEN_IDRefreshes a Token.--yes: Doesn't ask for confirmation.
rm OPTIONS TOKEN_IDRemoves a Token.--yes: Doesn't ask for confirmation.
scopes OPTIONS TOKEN_IDLists Token scopes.

create static OPTIONS TOKEN_NAME

Creates a static Token that lasts forever.

--scope: Scope for the Token (e.g., DATASOURCES:READ). Required.

--resource: Resource you want to associate the scope with.

--filter: SQL condition used to filter the values when calling with this token (eg. --filter=value > 0).


Creates a JWT Token with a fixed expiration time.

--ttl: Time to live (e.g., '1h', '30min', '1d'). Required.

--scope: Scope for the token (only PIPES:READ is allowed for JWT tokens).Required.

--resource: Resource associated with the scope. Required.

--fixed-params: Fixed parameters in key=value format, multiple values separated by commas.

tb workspace

Manage your Workspaces.



Drop all the resources inside a project. This command is dangerous because it removes everything, use with care.

--yes: Don't ask for confirmation.

--dry-run: Run the command without removing anything.


Creates a new Workspace for your Tinybird user.

--starter_kit TEXT: Uses a Tinybird starter kit as a template.

--user_token TEXT: When passed, Tinybird won't prompt asking for it.

--fork: When enabled, Tinybird shares all Data Sources from the current Workspace to the new created one.

current OPTIONSShows the Workspace you're currently authenticated to.


Deletes a Workspace where you are an admin.

--user_token TEXT: When passed, Tinybird won't prompt asking for it.

--yes: Don't ask for confirmation.

ls OPTIONSLists all the Workspaces you have access to in the account you're currently authenticated to.
members add OPTIONS MEMBERS_EMAILSAdds members to the current Workspace.--user_token TEXT: When passed, Tinybird won't prompt asking for it.
members ls OPTIONSLists members in the current Workspace.
members rm OPTIONSRemoves members from the current Workspace.--user_token TEXT: When passed, Tinybird won't prompt asking for it.
members set-role OPTIONS [guest|viewer|admin] MEMBERS_EMAILSSets the role for existing Workspace members.--user_token TEXT: When passed, Tinybird won't prompt asking for it.
use OPTIONS WORKSPACE_NAME_OR_IDSwitches to another workspace. Use tb workspace ls to list the workspaces you have access to.

tb tag

Manage your Workspace tags.

create TAG_NAMECreates a tag in the current Workspace.
lsList all the tags of the current Workspace.
ls TAG_NAMEList all the resources tagged with the given tag.
rm TAG_NAMERemoves a tag from the current Workspace. All resources aren't tagged by the given tag anymore.--yes: Don't ask for confirmation.