Tinybird Forward is live! See the Tinybird Forward docs to learn more. To migrate, see Migrate from Classic.
Pipe files (.pipe)¶
Pipe files describe your Pipes. You can use .pipe files to define the type, starting node, Data Source, and other settings of your Pipes. See Data Sources.
Available instructions¶
The following instructions are available for .pipe files.
Instruction | Required | Description |
% | No | Use as the first character of a node to indicate the node uses the templating system. |
DESCRIPTION <markdown_string> | No | Sets the description for a node or the complete file. |
TAGS <tag_names> | No | Comma-separated list of tags. Tags are used to organize your data project. |
NODE <node_name> | Yes | Starts the definition of a new node. All the instructions until a new NODE instruction or the end of the file are related to this node. |
SQL <sql> | Yes | Defines a block for the SQL of a node. The block must be indented. |
INCLUDE <include_path.incl> <variables> | No | Includes are pieces of a Pipe that you can reuse in multiple .pipe files. |
TYPE <pipe_type> | No | Sets the type of the node. Valid values are ENDPOINT , MATERIALIZED , COPY , or SINK . |
DATASOURCE <data_source_name> | Yes | Required when TYPE is MATERIALIZED . Sets the destination Data Source for materialized nodes. |
TARGET_DATASOURCE <data_source_name> | Yes | Required when TYPE is COPY . Sets the destination Data Source for copy nodes. |
TOKEN <token_name> READ | No | Grants read access to a Pipe or Endpoint to the token named <token_name>. If the token isn't specified or <token_name> doesn't exist, it will be automatically created. |
COPY_SCHEDULE | No | Cron expression with the frequency to run copy jobs. Must be higher than 5 minutes. For example, */5 * * * * . If undefined, it defaults to @on-demand . |
COPY_MODE | No | Strategy to ingest data for copy jobs. One of append or replace . If empty, the default strategy is append . |
Materialized Pipe¶
In a .pipe file you can define how to materialize each row ingested in the earliest Data Source in the Pipe query to a materialized Data Source. Materialization happens at ingest.
The following example shows how to describe a Materialized Pipe. See Materialized Views.
DESCRIPTION Materialized Pipe to aggregate sales per hour in the sales_by_hour Data Source NODE daily_sales SQL > SELECT toStartOfDay(starting_date) day, country, sum(sales) as total_sales FROM teams GROUP BY day, country TYPE MATERIALIZED DATASOURCE sales_by_hour
Copy Pipe¶
In a .pipe file you can define how to export the result of a Pipe to a Data Source, optionally with a schedule.
The following example shows how to describe a Copy Pipe. See Copy Pipes.
DESCRIPTION Copy Pipe to export sales hour every hour to the sales_hour_copy Data Source NODE daily_sales SQL > % SELECT toStartOfDay(starting_date) day, country, sum(sales) as total_sales FROM teams WHERE day BETWEEN toStartOfDay(now()) - interval 1 day AND toStartOfDay(now()) and country = {{ String(country, 'US')}} GROUP BY day, country TYPE COPY TARGET_DATASOURCE sales_hour_copy COPY_SCHEDULE 0 * * * *
API Endpoint Pipe¶
In a .pipe file you can define how to export the result of a Pipe as an HTTP endpoint.
The following example shows how to describe an API Endpoint Pipe. See API Endpoints.
TOKEN dashboard READ DESCRIPTION endpoint to get sales by hour filtering by date and country TAGS sales NODE daily_sales SQL > % SELECT day, country, sum(total_sales) as total_sales FROM sales_by_hour WHERE day BETWEEN toStartOfDay(now()) - interval 1 day AND toStartOfDay(now()) and country = {{ String(country, 'US')}} GROUP BY day, country NODE result SQL > % SELECT * FROM daily_sales LIMIT {{Int32(page_size, 100)}} OFFSET {{Int32(page, 0) * Int32(page_size, 100)}} TYPE ENDPOINT
Sink Pipe¶
The following parameters are available when defining Sink Pipes:
Instruction | Required | Description |
EXPORT_SERVICE | Yes | One of gcs_hmac , s3 , s3_iamrole , or kafka . |
EXPORT_CONNECTION_NAME | Yes | The name of the export connection. |
EXPORT_SCHEDULE | No | Cron expression, in UTC time. Must be higher than 5 minutes. For example, */5 * * * * . |
Blob storage Sink¶
as one of gcs_hmac
, s3
, or s3_iamrole
, you can use the following instructions:
Instruction | Required | Description |
EXPORT_BUCKET_URI | Yes | The desired bucket path for the exported file. Path must not include the filename and extension. |
EXPORT_FILE_TEMPLATE | Yes | Template string that specifies the naming convention for exported files. The template can include dynamic attributes between curly braces based on columns' data that will be replaced with real values when exporting. For example: export_{category}{date,'%Y'}{2} . |
EXPORT_FORMAT | Yes | Format in which the data is exported. The default value is csv . |
EXPORT_COMPRESSION | No | Compression file type. Accepted values are none , gz for gzip, br for brotli, xz for LZMA, zst for zstd. Default values is none . |
EXPORT_STRATEGY | Yes | One of the available strategies. The default is @new . |
Kafka Sink¶
Kafka Sinks are currently in private beta. If you have any feedback or suggestions, contact Tinybird at support@tinybird.co or in the Community Slack.
as kafka
, you can use the following instructions:
Instruction | Required | Description |
EXPORT_KAFKA_TOPIC | Yes | The desired topic for the export data. |