Tinybird Forward is live! See the Tinybird Forward docs to learn more. To migrate, see Migrate from Classic.

Organize files in data projects

A data project is a set of files that describes how your data must be stored, processed, and exposed through APIs.

In the same way you maintain source code files in a repository, use a CI, make deployments, run tests, and so on, Tinybird provides tools to work following a similar pattern but with data pipelines. The source code of your project are the datafiles in Tinybird.

With a data project you can:

  • Define how the data should flow, from schemas to API Endpoints.
  • Manage your datafiles using version control.
  • Branch your datafiles.
  • Run tests.
  • Deploy data projects.

Ecommerce site example

Consider an ecommerce site where you have events from users and a list of products with their attributes. Your goal is to expose several API endpoints to return sales per day and top product per day.

The data project file structure would look like the following:



To follow this tutorial, download and open the example using the following commands:

Clone demo
git clone https://github.com/tinybirdco/ecommerce_data_project.git
cd ecommerce_data_project

Upload the project

You can push the whole project to your Tinybird account to check everything is fine. The tb push command uploads the data to Tinybird, previously checking the project dependencies and the SQL syntax. In this case, use the --push-deps flag to push everything:

Push dependencies
tb push --push-deps

After the upload completes, the endpoints defined in our project, sales and top_products, are available and you can start pushing data to the different Data Sources.

Define Data Sources

Data Sources define how your data is ingested and stored. You can add data to Data Sources using the Data Sources API.

Each Data Source is defined by a schema and other properties. See Datasource files.

The following snippet shows the content of the event.datasource file from the ecommerce example:

    # Events from users
    This contains all the events produced by Kafka, there are 4 fixed columns.
    plus a `json` column which contains the rest of the data for that event.
    See [documentation](url_for_docs) for the different events.

    timestamp DateTime,
    product String,
    user_id String,
    action String
    json String

ENGINE MergeTree

The file describes the schema and how the data is sorted. In this case, the access pattern is most of the time by the timestamp column. If no SORTING_KEY is set, Tinybird picks one by default, date or datetime columns in most cases.

To push the Data Source, run:

Push the events Data Source
tb push datasources/events.datasource

You can't override Data Sources. If you try to push a Data Source that already exists in your account you get an error. To override a Data Source, remove it or upload a new one with a different name.

Define data Pipes

The content of the pipes/top_product_per_day.pipe file creates a data Pipe that transforms the data as it's inserted:

NODE only_buy_events
    filters all the buy events

        toDate(timestamp) date,
        JSONExtractFloat(json, 'price') AS price
    FROM events
    WHERE action = 'buy'

NODE top_per_day
   SELECT date,
          topKState(10)(product) top_10,
          sumState(price) total_sales
    FROM only_buy_events
    GROUP BY date

TYPE materialized
DATASOURCE top_per_day_mv
ENGINE AggregatingMergeTree

Each Pipe can have one or more nodes. The previous Pipe defines two nodes, only_buy_events and top_per_day.

  • The first node filters buy events and extracts some data from the json column.
  • The second node runs the aggregation.

In general, use NODE to start a new node and then use SQL > to define the SQL for that Node. You can use other nodes inside the SQL. In this case, the second node uses the first one only_buy_events.

To push the Pipe, run:

tb push pipes/top_product_per_day.pipe --populate

If you want to populate with the existing data in events table, use the --populate flag.

When using the --populate flag you get a job URL so you can check the status of the job by checking the URL provided. See Populate and copy data for more information on how populate jobs work.

Define API Endpoints

API Endpoints are the way you expose the data to be consumed.

The following snippet shows the content of the endpoints/top_products.pipe file:

NODE endpoint
    returns top 10 products for the last week
        topKMerge(10)(top_10) AS top_10
    FROM top_per_day
    WHERE date > today() - interval 7 day
    GROUP BY date

The syntax is the same as in the data transformation Pipes, though you can access the results through the {% user("apiHost") %}/v0/top_products.json?token=TOKEN endpoint.

When you push an endpoint a Token with PIPE:READ permissions is automatically created. You can see it from the Tokens UI or directly from the CLI with the command tb pipe token_read <endpoint_name>.

Alternatively, you can use the TOKEN token_name READ command to automatically create a Token with name token_name with READ permissions over the endpoint or add READ permissions to the existing token_name over the endpoint. For example:

TOKEN public_read_token READ

NODE endpoint
    returns top 10 products for the last week
        topKMerge(10)(top_10) AS top_10
    FROM top_per_day
    WHERE date > today() - interval 7 day
    GROUP BY date

To push the endpoint, run:

Push the top products Pipe
tb push endpoints/top_products.pipe

The Token public_read_token was created automatically and it's provided in the test URL.

You can add parameters to any endpoint. For example, parametrize the dates to be able to filter the data between two dates:

NODE endpoint
    returns top 10 products for the last week
        topKMerge(10)(top_10) AS top_10
    FROM top_per_day
    WHERE date between {{Date(start)}} AND {{Date(end)}}
    GRUP BY date

Now, the endpoint can receive start and end parameters: {% user("apiHost") %}/v0/top_products.json?start=2018-09-07&end=2018-09-17&token=TOKEN.

You can print the results from the CLI using the pipe data command. For instance, for the previous example:

Print the results of the top products endpoint
tb pipe data top_products --start '2018-09-07' --end '2018-09-17' --format CSV

For the parameters templating to work you need to start your NODE SQL definition using the character %.

Override an endpoint or a data Pipe

When working on a project, you might need to push several versions of the same file. You can override a Pipe that has already been pushed using the --force flag. For example:

Override the Pipe
tb push endpoints/top_products_params.pipe --force

If the endpoint has been called before, it runs regression tests with the most frequent requests. If the new version doesn't return the same data, then it's not pushed. You can see in the example how to run all the requests tested.

You can force the push without running the checks using the --no-check flag if needed. For example:

Force override
tb push endpoints/top_products_params.pipe --force --no-check

Downloading datafiles from Tinybird

You can download datafiles using the pull command. For example:

Pull a specific file
tb pull --match endpoint_im_working_on

The previous command downloads the endpoint_im_working_on.pipe to the current folder.
