Tinybird Forward is live! See the Tinybird Forward docs to learn more. To migrate, see Migrate from Classic.
Quick start for Tinybird command-line interface¶
With Tinybird, you can ingest data from anywhere, query and transform it using SQL, and publish your data as high-concurrency, low-latency REST API endpoints.
After you've familiarized yourself with Tinybird, you're ready to start automating and scripting the management of your Workspace using the Tinybird command-line interface (CLI). The Tinybird CLI is essential for all CI/CD workflows.
Read on to learn how to download and configure the Tinybird CLI, create a Workspace, ingest data, create a query, publish an API, and confirm your setup works properly.
Step 1: Create your Tinybird account¶
Create a Tinybird account. It's free and no credit card is required. See Tinybird pricing plans for more information.
Sign up for TinybirdStep 2: Download and install the Tinybird CLI¶
Follow the instructions to download and install the Tinybird command-line interface (CLI).
Complete the setup and authenticate with your Tinybird account in the cloud and region you prefer.
Step 3: Create your Workspace¶
A Workspace is an area that contains a set of Tinybird resources, including Data Sources, Pipes, nodes, API Endpoints, and Tokens.
Create a Workspace named customer_rewards
. Use a unique name.
tb workspace create customer_rewards
Step 4: Download and ingest sample data¶
Download the following sample data from a fictitious online coffee shop:
Download data fileThe following Tinybird CLI commands infer the schema from the datafile, generate and push a .datasource file and ingest the data.
tb datasource generate orders.ndjson # Infer the schema tb push orders.datasource # Upload the datasource file tb datasource append orders orders.ndjson # Ingest the data
Step 5: Query data using a Pipe and Publish it as an API¶
In Tinybird, you can create Pipes to query your data using SQL.
The following commands create a Pipe with an SQL instruction that returns the number of records Tinybird has ingested from the data file:
tb pipe generate rewards 'select count() from orders' tb push rewards.pipe
When you push a Pipe, Tinybird publishes it automatically as a high-concurrency, low-latency API Endpoint.
Step 6: Call the API Endpoint¶
You can test your API Endpoint using a curl command.
First, create and obtain the read Token for the API Endpoint.
tb token create static rewards_read_token --scope PIPES:READ --resource rewards tb token copy rewards_read_token
Copy the read Token and insert it into a curl command.
curl --compressed -H 'Authorization: Bearer your_read_token_here' https://api.us-east.aws.tinybird.co/v0/pipes/rewards.json
You have now created your first API Endpoint in Tinybird using the CLI.
Next steps¶
- Learn about datafiles and their format. See Datafiles.
- Learn how advanced templates can help you. See Advanced templates.
- Browse the full CLI reference. See Command reference.