Tinybird Local container

You can run your own Tinybird instance locally using the tinybird-local container. This is useful for testing and development. For example, you can test data sources and pipes in CI pipelines before deploying them to production.

Tinybird Local doesn't include the following features:

  • Tinybird UI
  • Scheduled operations
  • Batch operations


To get started, you need a container runtime, like Docker or orbstack.

Run the Tinybird Local container

To run Tinybird locally, run the following command:

docker run --platform linux/amd64 -p 7181:7181 --name tinybird-local -d tinybirdco/tinybird-local:latest

By default, Tinybird Local runs on port 7181, although you can expose it locally using any other port.

Authenticate with Tinybird Local

To authenticate with Tinybird Local, retrieve the workspace admin token and pass it through the CLI:

TOKEN=$(curl -s http://localhost:7181/tokens | jq -r ".workspace_admin_token")
tb auth --host http://localhost:7181 --token $TOKEN

After you've authenticated, you can get the default workspace with the tb workspace ls CLI command. For example:

tb workspace ls

** Workspaces:
| name                   | id                                   | role  | plan   | current |
| Tinybird_Local_Testing | 7afc6330-3aae-4df5-8712-eaad216c5d7d | admin | Custom | True    |