Get started with Tinybird Forward

Follow these steps to install Tinybird on your machine and deploy your first data project in five minutes.

See Core concepts for a complete overview of Tinybird Forward.

Before you begin

To get started, you need the following:

  • A container runtime, like Docker or Orbstack
  • Linux or macOS

Deploy a new project in five minutes


Create a Tinybird Forward account

If you don't already have a Tinybird Forward account, you can create one at -- it's free!


Install and authenticate

Run the following command to install the Tinybird Forward CLI:

curl | sh

Then, authenticate with your Tinybird account using tb login:

# Opens a browser window so that you can authenticate
tb login

In the browser, create a new workspace or select an existing one.


Run Tinybird Local

After you've authenticated, run tb local start to start the Tinybird Local container.

# Starts the container
tb local start

Create a project

Pass an LLM prompt using the --prompt flag to generate a customized starter project. For example:

tb create --prompt "I am developing the insights page for my app. I am tracking their usage and \
want to show them a line chart and a widget with the total amount of actions they did with time \
range filters. It is a multitenant app, so organization id is a required param for all endpoints"

The previous prompt creates a project in the current directory.


Deploy to Tinybird Cloud

To deploy to Tinybird Cloud, create a deployment using the --cloud flag. This prepares all the resources in the cloud environment.

# Prepares all resources in Tinybird Cloud
tb --cloud deploy

Open the project in Tinybird Cloud

To open the project in Tinybird Cloud, run the following command:

# Opens the deployed project in Tinybird Cloud
tb --cloud open

Go to Endpoints and select an endpoint to see stats and snippets.

Next steps

  • Familiarize yourself with Tinybird concepts. See Core concepts.
  • Learn about datafiles, like .datasource and .pipe files. See Datafiles.
  • Get data into Tinybird from a variety of sources. See Get data in.
  • Browse the Tinybird CLI commands reference. See Commands reference.