Events API

The Events API enables high-throughput streaming ingestion into Tinybird from an easy-to-use HTTP API.

This page gives examples of how to use the Events API to perform various tasks. For more information, read the Events API Reference docs.

Send individual JSON events

You can send individual JSON events to the Events API by including the JSON event in the Request body.

For example, to send an individual JSON event using cURL:

Sending individual JSON events
curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <DATASOURCE:APPEND token>" \
-d '{"date": "2020-04-05 00:05:38", "city": "Chicago"}' \

The name parameter defines the name of the Data Source in which to insert events. If the Data Source does not exist, Tinybird creates the Data Source by inferring the schema of the JSON.

The Token used to send data to the Events API needs the appropriate scopes. To append data to an existing Data Source, the DATASOURCE:APPEND scope is required. If the Data Source does not already exist, the DATASOURCE:CREATE scope is required to create the new Data Source.

Define the schema

Defining your schema allows you to set data types, sorting key, TTL and more. Read the schema definition docs here.

Send batches of JSON events

Sending batches of events enables you to achieve much higher total throughput than sending individual events.

You can send batches of JSON events to the Events API by formatting the events as NDJSON (newline delimited JSON). Each individual JSON event should be separated by a newline (\n) character.

Sending batches of JSON events
curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <import_token>" \
-d $'{"date": "2020-04-05 00:05:38", "city": "Chicago"}\n{"date": "2020-04-05 00:07:22", "city": "Madrid"}\n' \

The name parameter defines the name of the Data Source in which to insert events. If the Data Source does not exist, Tinybird creates the Data Source by inferring the schema of the JSON.

The Token used to send data to the Events API must have the appropriate scopes. To append data to an existing Data Source, the DATASOURCE:APPEND scope is required. If the Data Source does not already exist, the DATASOURCE:CREATE scope is required to create the new Data Source.


The Events API delivers a default capacity of:

  • Up to 1000 requests/second per Data Source
  • Up to 20MB/s per Data Source
  • Up to 10MB per request per Data Source

Throughput beyond these limits is offered as best-effort.

The Events API is able to scale beyond these limits. If you are reaching these limits, contact

Rate limit headers

Header NameDescription
X-RateLimit-LimitThe maximum number of requests you're permitted to make in the current limit window.
X-RateLimit-RemainingThe number of requests remaining in the current rate limit window.
X-RateLimit-ResetThe time in seconds after the current rate limit window resets.
Retry-AfterThe time to wait before making a another request. Only present on 429 responses.

Events API is a high-throughput streaming ingestion and as a distributed system, the values in these headers are offered as best-effort.


NDJSON events sent to the Events API can be compressed with Gzip. However, it is only recommended to do this when necessary, such as when you have big events that are grouped into large batches. Compressing events adds overhead to the ingestion process, which can introduce latency, although it is typically minimal.

Here is an example of sending a JSON event compressed with Gzip from the command line:

echo '{"timestamp":"2022-10-27T11:43:02.099Z","transaction_id":"8d1e1533-6071-4b10-9cda-b8429c1c7a67","name":"Bobby Drake","email":"","age":42,"passport_number":3847665,"flight_from":"Barcelona","flight_to":"London","extra_bags":1,"flight_class":"economy","priority_boarding":false,"meal_choice":"vegetarian","seat_number":"15D","airline":"Red Balloon"}' | gzip > body.gz 

curl \
    -X POST '' \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>." \
    -H "Content-Encoding: gzip" \
    --data-binary @body.gz

Write acknowledgements

When you send data to the Events API, you usually receive a HTTP202 response, which indicates that the request was successful - however it does not confirm that the data has been committed into the underlying database. This is useful when guarantees on writes are not strictly necessary. Typically, it should take under 2 seconds to receive a response from the Events API in this case.

curl \
    -X POST '' \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>" \
    -d $'{"timestamp":"2022-10-27T11:43:02.099Z"}'

< HTTP/2 202 
< content-type: application/json
< content-length: 42

However, if your use case requires absolute guarantees that data is committed, use the wait parameter.

The wait parameter is a boolean that accepts a value of true or false. A value of false is the default behavior, equivalent to omitting the parameter entirely.

Using wait=true with your request will ask the Events API to wait for acknowledgement that the data you sent has been committed into the underlying database. You will receive a HTTP200 response that confirms data has been committed.

Note that adding wait=true to your request can result in a slower response time, and we recommend having a time-out of at least 10 seconds when waiting for the response.

For example:

curl \
    -X POST '' \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>" \
    -d $'{"timestamp":"2022-10-27T11:43:02.099Z"}'

< HTTP/2 200 
< content-type: application/json
< content-length: 42

It is good practice to log your requests to, and responses from, the Events API. This will help to give you visibility into any failures for reporting or recovery.
