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How to share ClickHouse configures across local servers

When testing features locally, you should test in a replicated environment with at least 2 or more ClickHouse instances. Keeping several configurations updated and in sync can seem time consuming and error prone, but you can make it much easier by sharing the configuration when you start the server.

You usually want to change ports and data paths, and you can do it with something like:

clickhouse server \
--config-file=/mnt/ch/ch_data/config/zk/config.xml \
--pid-file=/tmp/ \
-- --path /mnt/ch/ch_data/data/zk_1/ \
--tmp_path /mnt/ch/ch_data/data/zk_1/tmp \
--user_files_path /mnt/ch/ch_data/data/zk_1/user_files/ \
--format_schema_path /mnt/ch/ch_data/data/zk_1/format_schemas/ \
--http_port 28123 \
--tcp_port 29000 \
--interserver_http_port 29009

Then a second server can use the same base configuration (/mnt/ch/ch_data/config/zk/config.xml) but instead change ports and paths:

clickhouse server \
--config-file=/mnt/ch/ch_data/config/zk/config.xml \
--pid-file=/tmp/ \
-- --path /mnt/ch/ch_data/data/zk_2/ \
--tmp_path /mnt/ch/ch_data/data/zk_2/tmp \
--user_files_path /mnt/ch/ch_data/data/zk_2/user_files/ \
--format_schema_path /mnt/ch/ch_data/data/zk_2/format_schemas/ \
--http_port 38123 \
--tcp_port 39000 \
--interserver_http_port 39009

This works for almost any configuration, but there are some that aren't as simple to change, for example the macros REPLICA, LAYER and SHARD. For these, you change the configuration so it reads them from the environment.

In your xml config file include something like...

<replica from_env="REPLICA" />
<layer from_env="LAYER" />
<shard from_env="SHARD" />

...and then when starting the server pass the config:

clickhouse server \
--config-file=/mnt/ch/ch_data/config/zk/config.xml \
--pid-file=/tmp/ \
-- --path /mnt/ch/ch_data/data/zk_1/ \
--tmp_path /mnt/ch/ch_data/data/zk_1/tmp \
--user_files_path /mnt/ch/ch_data/data/zk_1/user_files/ \
--format_schema_path /mnt/ch/ch_data/data/zk_1/format_schemas/ \
--http_port 28123 \
--tcp_port 29000 \
--interserver_http_port 29009

If you follow these instructions, all the rest of the configuration files are completely shared and you can forget about applying new changes on multiple places.