Why does ClickHouse returns a 200 code on error and how can I avoid it?
When using the HTTP endpoint, sometimes ClickHouse will return a 200 status code with an error inside the body. Here's how to avoid that.
Create ASCII art
Ever wanted to create ASCII art from your database? If you're crazy enough to try it, here's how!
When NOT to use normalizedQueryHash in ClickHouse
The normalizedQueryHash function in ClickHouse has some benefits, but you should avoid it certain cases.
Classify results by percentile in ClickHouse at runtime
Have you ever wanted to classify results from a query by percentile? Here's how to do it at runtime in ClickHouse.
Export query results to Markdown table
Want to post your ClickHouse query results online? Here's how to export your ClickHouse query results to a Markdown table.
Create aliases for Postgres functions
Using ClickHouse, but more comfortable with Postgres? Learn how to use custom ClickHouse functions to recreate your favorite Postgres functions in ClickHouse.
Detect leap years
Need to detect leap years in ClickHouse? Here's a query to find years that contain 366 days instead of 365.
Drop large tables
Dropping large tables in ClickHouse, but exceeding the size limits? Here's how to drop a ClickHouse table over the default 50GB size.
Infer the table schema of a remote file
Want to infer the table schema of a remote file using ClickHouse? Here's how to do that with DESCRIBE TABLE.
Parse complex emojis with tokens()
Sometimes you need to parse complex emojis in your ClickHouse queries. Here's how to do that with the ClickHouse tokens() function.
How to recover from a fatal data loss in ClickHouse Zookeeper
If you're working with ClickHouse and Zookeeper crashed causing data loss, here's how you can restore it to a usable state.
Test ClickHouse on ARM
Want to test ClickHouse on ARM, but you're using a different machine? Here's how to test ClickHouse on ARM without getting an ARM instance from a cloud provider.
Control TTL at ingestion time
The TTL of a table can be an expression that references one or more columns; this means that the TTL for a given row will be calculated at the point of ingestion.
How to calculate YoY statistics in ClickHouse
Ever wonderered how to calculate year over year growth in ClickHouse? Read this to learn how it's done.