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Organization Metrics

Monitor your Tinybird organization metrics

Organization Metrics

This Org Metrics Exporter template uses Tinybird's Service Data Sources to aggregate and publish organizational metrics as endpoints in Prometheus format for quick integration with common monitoring tools.

Set up the project

Fork the GitHub repository and deploy the data project to Tinybird.

Grafana and Prometheus

To scrape the Tinybird metrics endpoint, you can configure your prometheus.yml file as follows:

- job_name: tinybird_org_metrics
scrape_interval: 15s # Adjust the scrape interval as needed
scheme: 'https'
- targets:
- 'api.tinybird.co' # Adjust this for your region if necessary
metrics_path: '/v0/pipes/organization_metrics.prometheus'
bearer_token: '<admin-user-token>' # From an Organization admin
  • Replace api.tinybird.co with your Tinybird host if the workspace is in a different region. See Regions and endpoints.
  • Token: for a quick check in development, you can use the pre-existing admin user@domain Token of an Organization admin to authenticate requests (find it in the Tinybird dashboard). But for production, the creation of a new token with less permissions is recommended, including these scopes:
  • As of this writing, the ORG_DATASOURCES:READ is not available from UI, but you can create this new prometheus_org_access token using tokens API like this:
POST https://api.tinybird.co/v0/tokens/?name=prometheus_org_access&description=optional&scope=PIPES:READ:organization_metrics&scope=ORG_DATASOURCES:READ

We've included a sample dashboard config for Grafana to help you get started, see the JSON file.

Datadog and OpenMetrics

Add the following configuration to your OpenMetrics Datadog agent conf.yaml file:

- prometheus_url: 'https://api.tinybird.co/v0/pipes/organization_metrics.prometheus?token=<admin-user-token>'
namespace: tinybird_org_metrics
- "*"
max_returned_metrics: 700000
  • Replace api.tinybird.co with your Tinybird host if the workspace is in a different region. See Regions and endpoints.
  • Use admin user@domain Token of an Organization admin to authenticate requests. Find it in the Tinybird dashboard.

We've included a sample dashboard config for Datadog that you can use to get started, see the JSON file.

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