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Master Materialized Views in Tinybird
Materialized Views are powerful optimizers in Tinybird, but they can be daunting for new users. Join this session and learn how to master Materialized Views for faster queries, lower costs, and better performance.
Materialized Views are a powerful optimization lever in Tinybird, allowing you to process data on ingestion and write it to a new database table. With Materialized Views, you can massively shrink query latency by moving compute-intensive operations from read to write.
Materialized Views in Tinybird can appear complex to newcomers, but if you join this session, you'll learn to master Materialized Views and all they can unlock for your real-time data pipelines.
In this session, you'll learn:
- How Materialized Views work in Tinybird
- How Tinybird stores intermediate aggregate states at write time, and how to effectively merge states at query time
- How different table engines, such as AggregatingMergeTree and ReplacingMergeTree, work with Materialized Views
- How to design a Materialized View query and schema for optimal performance
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Live coding session
When: September 24, 2024 at 15:00 UTC
Duration: 60 minutes

Jim Moffitt
Developer Advocate